Monday, May 14, 2018

From the Harrisonville Police Department

This past Sunday, while on a walk, one of our officers noticed vandalism to the Little Free Library outside McEowen Elementary. During the night someone had written something that rhymed with "Duck School" on the glass.

Our officer returned home to grab cleaning materials and came back to remove the vulgar language before the kids could arrive at school the following morning for their last week of school.

Look, we get it, the school year can seem as if it takes forever to end and you can't wait to escape. Blowing off steam can be a healthy thing, but not by scrawling curse words outside an elementary school on a free library set up solely to make things better for our town and the people in it.

There was no report made for this, no investigation is being conducted, and no one is going to get charges out of it. We just hope that whomever did this will think twice before doing it again.


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