Monday, September 10, 2018

Circuit Court of Bates County Court News for September 4 - 7, 2018

Angela D Eighmy v Rick E Eighmy, Dissolution of Marriage granted.

St v. Ida Jackson, guilty plea, I: poss of controlled substance, methamphetamines, sentenced to 5 yrs in MDOC, II: Felony assault, sentenced to 5 yrs in MDOC, to be served concurrently with each other, 120 day call back option, Defe. Sentence stayed until Oct 14, 2018, at which time to report to Bates Co Sheriff Dept for transportation to MDOC.

St v. Brad A Mc Cormick, Felony receiving stolen property, guilty plea, sentenced to 7 yrs MDOC, given SES, placed on 5 yrs supervised probation, to do 200 hours of community service, $2500 restitution, pay court costs.

St v. David Scot King, I: Felony domestic assault, guilty plea, II: Felony unlawful use of a weapon, guilty plea, III: Felony endangering welfare of child, dismissed by State; IV: Felony endangering welfare of child—dismissed by State; V: Felony endangering welfare of child-dismissed by State, Given SIS, placed on 5 yrs supervised probation, pay court costs.

St v. David Scot King, I: Felony domestic assault; II: Felony domestic assault, Dismissed by State.

St v. Gregory Rusher, Felony DWI, guilty plea, sentenced to 4 yrs in MDOC, given SES, placed on 5 yrs supervised probation, to perform 240 community service, pay court costs.

St v. Phillip W Thornburg, Felony poss of controlled substance, guilty plea, sentenced to 7 yrs in MDOC, with jurisdiction retained, pay court costs.

St v. Kyle Sean Boulais, guilty plea, I: Felony stealing, sentenced to 7 yrs MDOC, II: Misd. fraudulent use of a debit devise, sentenced to 2 days in Bates Co Jail, credit for time served, sentenced to run concurrently with other sentence, pay court costs.

St v. Kyle Sean Boulais, guilty plea, I: Felony stealing—sentenced to 7 yrs in MDOC, II: Felony fraudulent use of credit devise, sentenced to 2 yrs in MDOC, sentences to run consecutively with each other, but concurrently with other Bates County cases.

St v. Kyle Sean Boulais, guilty plea, Felony forgery, guilty plea, sentenced to 7 yrs in MDOC, sentence to run concurrently with other Bates Co cases imposed this date.

St v. Kyle Sean Boulais, guilty plea, Felony stealing, sentenced to 7 yrs in MDOC, II: Misd. stealing, sentenced to 2 days in Bates Co Jail, sentence to run concurrently with other sentences.

St v. Phillip W Thornburg, Felony poss of controlled substance, methamphetamines; II; Misd. unlawful poss of drug paraphernalia, States dismisses these charges as part of plea deal.

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