The Nevada Police Department would like to thank the following individuals and organizations whose contributions and support were vital to making this year’s event a tremendous success:
Anita Ryan & staff at our local Walmart
Heartland Behavioral Health Services
Kevin Crump, Tera McFarland & Nevada Parks and Recreation
Nevada Police Department VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service)
Nevada Police Department Cadets
West Point 4H Club
Joe Maudlin
Jenni & Jacob Bruckner
Mary & Alyssa Wilson
Jim & Ronda Hardin
Shane Balk & Inetvisions
Larry & Sharon Newman & AAA Way Bail Bonds
Alan Shepherd & 54 Café
Joe Barker Sales & Service
Lyndon Eberhard
Bill & Linda Crawford
Nicholas Crawford
Marvin & Kay Swickhamer
Don McQueen
Brandi McInroy
Terry & Juanita Pilcher
Dr. Patricia Bridgewater
Lynn Ewing III
Kathi Grose
David Phillips
We look forward to continued success of this program in the future.