Thursday, January 31, 2019

from the Bates County Coroners Office

After a HUGE effort, I am pleased to report that the Bates County Coroner's Office now participates in the 21st Century! In all seriousness, I have selected a software vendor and uploaded all of our case information. This new software will allow me to enter data as I gather it in the field, eliminating wait time on reports and toxicology orders. It will assist me greatly in case management, making my reports to the public more streamlined and the data easier to gather. It will help tremendously with reports to the state, and will also analyze death data and help identify patterns and trends and provide statistical information I previously had to gather by hand.

Data is backed up each evening to a cloud server, reducing my dependence on actual paper files in the office. Also, I can access the data from anywhere via a secure connection, allowing me to do more work on-scene from my response vehicle. This will reduce the box of "to do" paperwork on my desk every day.

This has been a major project and I'm glad to see it completed.

Greg D. Mullinax
Bates County Coroner

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