Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Appleton City News

Unofficial election results from the St. Clair Co. Clerk’s office: AC Alderman: Ward I - Preston 27  Ward II - Dines 26  City Question: yes 43  no 20                

The A.C. Spring City Wide Garage Sale will be April 12 - 13. Permits are $5 and can be purchased at City Hall until April 10. Permits to set up in the A.C. Park are $25 for the pole shelter, $15 for a stage permit and $10 for a lawn permit. The price for Park Permits is good for both days and these can also be purchased at City Hall on a first come, first served basis. Maps will be available at Food Fair, Powell's True Value and Casey's beginning Thursday afternoon. House of Joy Ministry will be at the City Park on Saturday from 4:00-5:00 to pick up donations. If you have questions, please call Dianne Foster at 476-2390.

The AC Museum will participate in the City Wide Garage Sale Friday, April 12 at the Museum.  Donations to sell will be accepted there 1:30-4:30 on Wednesday and Friday March 27, April 3, 5 and 10.  No clothing please.  For information or other donation times, call Susan 660-476-5579.

The St. Clair Co. Democratic Committee will have their 2019 Spring Banquet 6:00 p.m. Saturday, April 6 at the Boy Scout Building in Lowry City, MO.  Tickets are $20 and reserved tables are available for $125 that will seat up to 8 (reserve in advance).  Speakers will be Brandon Garrison, MO Rural Caucus Chair, Joe Poor, State Committee Person for the 28th Senatorial District and 2018 candidate for the 28th Senatorial District and Cindy McDaniel.  Contact Karen Hubbard, Gary Mitchel, Jeanine Jacomb or Dave Gover for more information or email

A Fish "Fry-Day" Dinner at Immaculate Conception Church in Montrose will be April 5 from 5:00 - 7:30 in St. Mary’s School Hall.  They will serve the “best fried fish around”, Suzy Q's, green beans, cole slaw, cornbread, cookie and a beverage.  Adults eat for $10, children (under age 10) for $5. 

Appleton City Manor and AC Journal would like to invite you to join them Saturday evening April 13 at the AC Manor for the 2019 Appleton City High School Junior/Senior Promenade. Prom attendees will be announced and photographed then featured in the Journal, AC Manor’s Facebook and Newsletter. Family, friends and area residents are invited to share this event with the residents. Guests should arrive early to assure proper seating. Couple names to be announced promptly at 6:00 and then Prom will continue at the High School. The theme this year is Rock Concert.  

The annual PTO Bake Sale will be held at Food Fair Saturday, April 20 from 8:00 a.m. until sold out.  Grab your goodies for Easter breakfast or dinner! If you are willing to donate any kind of baked good(s), please plan to have them delivered to Little Apples Daycare/Sarah Eye between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 19 or dropped off at Food Fair by 7:45 a.m. Saturday morning. This event raises funds that allow elementary students to participate in field trips throughout the school year, as well as fund additional requests from teachers throughout the school year.  

The Appleton City FFA will be hosting a Mother’s Day spaghetti dinner with salad, garlic bread and dessert on May 12 from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the high school commons area. This free will donation dinner is to help fund FFA members who will be attending Washington Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. this summer.

Appleton City students again made a very successful showing at the WEMO Conference Art Show held from March 15-27 at Adrian. In high school, Sydney Bock won a blue ribbon and 3rd Place Best of Show in the 2-D category. Jenna Long won a blue and a white ribbon, and Jeremy Howery won two blue ribbons.  Also winning blue ribbons were Joe Young, Elizabeth Gallagher, Wyatt Dixon, Wyatt Oberly, and Savannah Mount. Winning red ribbons were Tayton Dains, Marcus Thompson, Ashlynn Dorris, Shiann Mart, and Brady Dutcher. In middle school, Peyton Long received 3rd Place Best of Show and a blue ribbon. Hailey Gress, Landon Oehring and Taylan Schiereck also won blue ribbons. Winning red ribbons were Jared Davis, Gabby Hernandez, Daylyn Vermillion, and Alivia Bray. ACHS sent six brave artists to the 3rd annual WEMO Live Art Competition at Adrian on March 27. The students have 2 hours to create a work of art and have it judged against other WEMO Conference students. Shiann Mart won a 3rd place in the Still Life Painting category. Sydney Bock, Elizabeth Gallagher and Jasmine Phillips created works in the Still Life Drawing category, and Savannah Mount and Ashlynn Dorris drew from a live model posing for them.

The Historic St. Ludger’s Church at Germantown will be hosting its first Easter Cantata on April 13 at 7:00 p.m.  This is the first time that the Garden City Community Choir will be performing there.  There are several members from our local community that sing in this choir of 80+ strong this year and this is the choir's 48th year of praising God with the help of many different denominations.  This year, the Cantata, entitled "Thou Art Worthy" by Clydesdale, will have its first performance locally and they promise you it will start the Easter week off by preparing us for what is to come.  It will begin with about 15 minutes of great "old time gospel" music that you will want to hear, followed by the Cantata, which will last about 35 minutes. You may contact Lynn Westhusing if you have questions at 660-476-2590.

St. Clair County Cattlemen's April Monthly Meeting will be 7:00 p.m. April 9, 2019 at the Farmhouse Kitchen in Appleton City. Appleton City Feed Service will be the Speaker/Sponsor.
April 3        Trinity United Methodist Church Lenten Noon Service and Light Lunch
April 4        Hudson R-IX Elementary annual preschool & kindergarten screening
April 5        Fish Fry at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Montrose 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School basement
April 6        Democratic Spring Banquet 6:00 p.m. at the Boy Scout Building in Lowry City
April 9        St. Clair County Cattlemen's Meeting 7:00 p.m. at the Farmhouse Kitchen
April 12-13     Citywide Garage Sales in AC
April 13      ACHS Prom
April 13      Easter Cantata at St. Ludger’s Church in Germantown 7:00 p.m.

The last Box Top, Best Choice and Food Fair receipt collection will take place on May 6.  Please send in all of your labels and receipts with your student at this time.  Any community members may contribute by dropping them off at the elementary office during school hours.  Box Tops cannot be expired and Food Fair receipts need to be from January 1, 2019 through April 30, 2019.  All older receipts will not be counted.  Please help the PTO earn money through this on-going fundraiser! 

The ACHS Alumni meeting is May 25, 2019.  Reservations$12/person may be sent to Patti Purvis Young x68, 101 E. 3rd St., Appleton City, MO 64724. Class Representatives to contact are: 1959 Ellen Nichols Higgins; 1964 Sandra Waite Long; 1969 Deb Durst Seider; 1974 Len Gilmore; 1979 Paul Noble; 1984 La Donna Knight Green; 1989 Pam Parsons Craft; 1994 Kisa Monard Eye; 1999 Zeb Salmon; 2004 Katie Dains Evans; 2009 Micach Noble; 2014 Katie Parsons Dunnman. Please report (since May, 2018) deceased alumni or if you have questions, contact Linda Lampkin 660-476-5857 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. or Alumni still working and traveling distances like to receive information early.

The Appleton City High School Alumni Scholarship Foundation, Inc. will be awarding five $1,000 scholarships to the graduating seniors in May, 2019.  Students may attend any type of post-secondary training.  The applicants' names are eliminated from the forms before being mailed to the out-of-town alumni judges.  Seniors may pick up their forms from the school counselor.  The deadline for application is March 27, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.  All ACHS seniors are encouraged to participate.  These awards are made possible by contributors interested in the youth of the Appleton City area.

The AC Fair will be June 6-8 in the evenings.  The theme is "A Salute to Volunteers”. You may become a Proud Sponsor by giving a donation.  Proud Sponsor and booth forms are available at City Hall.  You can keep up on Facebook at Appleton City MO Fair 2019.  If you have questions, contact Linda Lampkin at 660-476-5857 or 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

The Appleton City Area Ministerial Alliance will hold Community Services as follows: Holy Thursday Service April 18, 7:00 p.m. at the Rockville River of Life Church with Pastor Gar Garman; Good Friday Service April 19, 7:00 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church with Pastor Alan Black; and Sunrise Service April 21, 6:30 a.m. at Church of God Holiness with Pastor Ryan Campos.  Everyone is welcome.

Holy Week schedule for Immaculate Conception and St. Patrick’s Catholic Churches:  Holy Thursday – 5:30 p.m. St. Patrick’s, 7:30 p.m. ICC.  Good Friday: 3:00 p.m. St. Patrick’s, 7:00 p.m. ICC, Holy Saturday: 8:00 p.m. ICC, Easter Sunday: 8:00 a.m. ICC, 10:00 a.m. St. Patrick’s.

OATS BUS schedule for the week of April 8: St Clair County to Windsor April 9, St Clair County to Clinton April 11.  For those that live in St Clair County wishing to ride the OATS Bus please call John at 417-309-3464, Julia at 417-309-3463, in the Lowry City area call Heidi Carden at 417-309-0146.  Need a ride, call on OATS. Available to everyone (not “just” Seniors/Disabled) 24 hour reservations advance reservation required.  Donation per stop is suggested. OATS is a door to door, shared ride service; all vans are equipped with ramps and helpful drivers!

Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for April, 2019.  Call 660-476-2111, ext. 5257 for appointments: Apr 4– OB/GYN – Dr. Kallberg, Apr 9- Ortho – Dr. Gray, Apr 10 - Upper GI, Colonoscopy–Dr. Namin, Apr 12 - Ophthalmology – Dr. Soni, Apr 15– Rheumatology – Dr. Latinis, Apr 17 - Upper GI, Colonoscopy–Dr. Vardakis, Apr 18 - Urology – Dr. Boullier, Apr 23- Ortho – Dr. Gray.

One of the highest input costs for a cattle operation is meeting cattle daily nutrient needs.  One way to reduce the cost is to increase grazing forage consumption and reduce grain-based supplements.  Two ways to do that include increasing forage growth and utilization efficiency as well as forage quality consumed.  University of Missouri Extension agriculture specialists, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) employees and Missouri State Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) work together to educate the public on utilizing MiG in their cattle operation through regional grazing schools.  Upcoming regional grazing schools include: May 9- 10 at the First Baptist Church, Osceola, Mo.  Fee, which includes meals and materials, is $130 per person or $150 per couple sharing materials.  For registration and more information, please contact the St. Clair County Mo. SWCD office at 417-646-8108, ext. 3. May 14 - 15 at the Vernon County Fairgrounds home economics building, Nevada, Mo.  Fee, which includes meals and materials, is $130 per person or $150 per couple sharing materials.  To register or for more information please contact the Vernon County Mo. SWCD office at 417-667-8137, ext. 3. These schools have limits on the number of attendees, so if you are interested in attending please contact the offices as soon as possible.  To receive cost share benefits, you need to attend one school.

Both first time gardeners and seasoned professionals can benefit from the "Vegetable Planting Calendar" guide available from University of Missouri Extension. The guide provides a complete list of planting dates and varieties that do well in southwest Missouri.  Everything from asparagus to zucchini that is listed in the planting calendar represents the varieties that provide the best yield, quality and disease resistance under Missouri conditions. The guide also deals with when to plant certain vegetables by giving planting dates for south, central and north Missouri.   If you live within the Ozarks plateau, you may want to follow the north Missouri planting dates due to the possibility of late spring frosts. "If you follow the south Missouri planting dates for spring plantings, be prepared to cover plants for frost protection. This MU Extension guide also provides information on the following: how much to plant per person; how much seed to purchase for a 100 foot row; row spacing; inches between plants in the row; depth of planting; days from planting to eating; and vitamin content of the vegetable. If you need additional gardening and horticultural advice, or want to obtain a copy of the Vegetable Planting Calendar (Guide sheet 6201), contact the Master Gardener Hotline at (417) 874-2963, search for and download the file online at or contact the St. Clair County MU Extension center on the first floor of the courthouse in Osceola, (417) 646-2419 or e-mail:

On April 23 and 25, at the El Dorado Springs Veterinary Clinic in El Dorado Springs, Mo., MU Extension will be working with Dr. Brian Collins, DVM and Zoetis to conduct a bull BSE clinic.  The BSE will be performed on the bull to ensure that he is reproductively and structurally sound before entering the breeding season.  The veterinarian will examine the testicles for adequate size, penis and prepuce to make sure there are no injuries, the accessory sex glands to make sure they are sound, and the semen for adequate motility and morphology.  In addition, the veterinarian will look at the structural soundness of the bull to determine if he is physically sound to breed cows during the breeding season. In addition to the BSE, MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist Davis will educate cattle producers on bull body condition scoring (BCS) and foot scoring (FS) which are tools to assess the energy status and structural soundness of your bull.  Since Zoetis is a partner, the bulls will be given booster vaccinations as well as treated for internal and external parasites at no charge to the producer.  Contact the El Dorado Springs Veterinary Clinic for scheduling bulls for the BSE Clinic and fees associated with the BSE and other tests, such as trichmoniasis or genomic testing at (417) 876-5805.  For more information on prebreeding bull management and BSE, contact your local MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist.     

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