Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Butler: Council proposes Town Hall meeting

All members were present for the Butler City Council meeting last night. Besides the usual approval of minutes and paying of bills, a few guests appeared before the council as well.

First, Shannon Barth, representing the Relay for Life committee requested permission to have the annual event on the Butler square June 1st. The request was approved without contest.

Don Malan spoke about the old pool building and property on south High street. Many ideas for the property have been kicked around over the years, and he advocated the use of the building for a play place of sorts, for kids, possibly those with special needs. The same idea was put forth by Jesse Schowengerdt several years ago and the city has pondered the idea possibly developing the property as well. Acting city administrator Corey Snead said there is grant money available for this type of project, and the council will discuss further in the near future.

Jerry Jones asked for approval the Bates County Community Health Foundation car show to be held October 6th, same as the show held last Fall at the Fairgrounds. Permission granted.

A discussion was held regarding the use of leaf bags. Those purchasing the bags now will receive a note indicating the bags will not be used for yard waste or trash, leaves only, and can't weigh over 40 lbs. Ongoing problems with abuse using the bags led to this decision.

The city renewed its contract with the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission. Kaysinger provides many benefits including help with grant writing and is a good resource for the city's economic developer when one is hired. The commission also is available to help with clean up of properties and demolitions when dealing with hazardous materials.

Little Joe's Asphalt company has been approved to repave three streets in Butler. There will be a pre-bid meeting later this week to work out all the details and schedule a start date.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources will be performing its annual inspection of storage tanks at the Butler airport soon, no problems are anticipated.

Roof repair at the Butler light plant is in the works, we'll need some sunny days before it can be completed.  There is a significant leak at city hall, tarps are needed now, it was discussed having the roofers look into the problem at city hall ahead of finishing work at the light plant.

In an effort to insure complete transparency, the council is planning a town hall forum in June, possibly on the 3rd or the 10th- the public will have an opportunity to speak openly with the Mayor and council. Residents are highly encouraged to attend and ask questions on any city related subject matter including money matters, water quality, clean up, bringing in new businesses, etc. Mid America Live will publish the final date with location soon.

Corey Snead brought up the subject of getting a grocery store in Butler. He's had contact with Schnucks, a widely popular chain, but they declined, citing that Butler isn't quite big enough. However, his discussion with Scavuzzo's, a regionally popular store, looks promising. 

Several members attended council member training in Lee's Summit recently, another class is scheduled soon for those who were not able to attend.

This city is still looking for someone to hay a 10 acre plot on south Main street. The first cutting must be done in June, with another by November. Bids may be submitted at city hall.

The Butler fire department had a busy month- 47 total calls including 4 structure fires, 5 car accidents, 2 mutual aid calls, LifeFlight standbys and more.

The police department was commended on their outstanding effort in handling the murder investigation at the Butler city lake last week. 

The next council meeting is set for May 21st. Get involved, and plan to attend!

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