Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Adrian R-3 School NHS Inductees 2019

Morgan Patterson, Caitlyn Sass, Mary Wood, Steevie Kooker, Jenna Shipley, Jessi Baker, Abbie Johnson, Jocelyn Reynolds, Baxter Lowe, John Wackerman, Gage Harris, Hunter Nelson, Kyler Six, Jacob Hawkins, Case Doody

2019 Adrian R-3 NHS Inductees: Case Doody, Gage Harris, Abbie Johnson, Baxter Lowe, Morgan Patterson, Jocelyn Reynolds, Caitlyn Sass, John Wackerman

Students who have a 3.5 GPA, exemplify the NHS Pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service are invited. Congratulations to all!

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