Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Job Opening Butler

USDA – Bates County Farm Service Agency in Butler, MO has a vacancy for a full-time, permanent Program Technician (PT). . The open application period is from Wednesday, October 9, 2019 to Wednesday October 23, 2019. 

The position will require the applicant to possess a broad range of clerical skills including filing, operating office equipment and basic computer data entry skills. An agricultural background would be beneficial. Grade potential will be based on education, work experience, agriculture knowledge, and background. 

Visit the USA Jobs website at for the current job posting and to apply for the position. Please contact Michael Finley at (660) 679-6112 extension 110 or stop by the USDA Service Center at 625 West Nursery, Butler, MO for information on applying for the position. USDA-FSA is an Equal Opportunity Provider, Employer and Lender.

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