Thursday, March 12, 2020

From the Butler Presbyterian Church

Dear Friends,

I’m sure you have seen that many public gatherings are being cancelled due to the spread of Coronavirus. Even throughout the PC(USA), a few Presbyteries have discouraged gathering for Worship for the time being.

As I write this, Heartland Presbytery has not given us such a directive. Pastors are being encouraged to respond as it best fits each congregation. PC(USA)’s Stated Clerk said this week at times like these, church attendance is a “personal decision.” I think that fits us well at the moment.

If you are a person with health concerns, and worry about public gatherings, know that I understand and my prayers surround you. I will continue exploring ways to reach out to those who choose to stay home - so you won’t be excluded from your family of faith, and we can continue to pray together. Presbytery staff is helping Pastors explore ways to do this, should we need them.

Beginning this Sunday, at the Passing of the Peace, let’s use some different practices that don’t involve physical touching - for now! One good way is to place your hand over your heart, look your sister or brother in Christ in the eye, smile, and say “Peace be with you!” Or, “Christ’s Peace!” Maybe you have already used the now famous “elbow bump” or bow in other places. God has given us many ways to share God’s love and peace. Let’s use them this week and as long as necessary. If you feel silly doing it, don’t worry! New practices often feel strange. We all must try new things at times, and God will show us the way. Don’t forget to smile!

I will keep you posted as we continue to navigate this situation.

With God’s help,

Pastor Greg

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