Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Update from the Drexel R-4 School District


March 17, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian,
A family member of a student at Drexel R-IV has tested positive for COVID-19. At this time, the family is following health department and CDC guidelines and is in self-quarantine at home. Those who test positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate at home until they are able to test negative for COVID-19 twice, according to health officials. As you are aware, we are currently on an extended Spring Break, and the family will not be back in District buildings until after their period of quarantine has elapsed. 

Though we know you will have many questions and concerns, in order to protect the privacy of the individuals involved, the District is incredibly limited as to the information it can share with the public. However, the District is working directly with health officials regarding next steps, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and the CDC will identify and contact people who may have come into contact with the individual while they were infectious and will monitor them for fever and respiratory symptoms. Unless you are contacted by health officials, it is unlikely that you were exposed to COVID-19 by the current positive case. 

The Cass County Health Department is working diligently to respond quickly and provide additional recommendations. Please follow their website or Facebook page for updates about the response to COVID-19 in Cass County and review the newest recommendations. Information about extended school closure, meals for students during closure and providing remote instruction during closure will be coming out in the near future. 

We continue to thank our community for your support and patience during these unprecedented times. We are continuing our work to ensure staff, students, and the community are safe and informed.
Terry Mayfield

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