Monday, April 13, 2020

Hume Community News 4/13/20

The Hume Community wishes to extend their sympathy to the family of Carol Jean Culver who passed away on April 10. Our prayers go out to her daughters and the rest of her family and friends. She will be greatly missed.

The Hume Alumni Committee after careful consideration has decided to postpone the Hume Alumni that was scheduled for May 23, 2020 due to the COVID-19. As soon as we know something we will announce a make-up date for the Alumni. We look forward to the evening that we will be able to connect with classmates and reminisce. So please watch for the new date of the Hume Alumni in 2020.

We are thinking positive and looking forward to the 78th Annual Hume Fair and Rodeo that is to be held July 28 through August 1. This year’s parade Marshall is “In Memory of Bob King”. Bob was looking forward to being honored this year as the Parade Marshall. He would tell everyone he would meet about this honor. To Bob it was a grand honor for him. 50 years ago this year Bob started the County-Line 4-H Club. His endeavor led to many kids being involved in 4-H and currently still involved today. Unfortunately Bob was called home to Heaven earlier this year, but now his is the Grand Marshall of all. But what a legacy he has left not only to his family, but to all the 4-H kids. The theme for this year’s parade is “Keeping the Small Town Dream Alive”.

We look forward to hearing Josh Rushing and Pastor Roger Beach on Wednesday evening of the fair after the Gospel Sing as they deliver a message over in the arena. And our Rodeo will once again be put on by McKelllips Rodeo Company. The Rodeo performance is always on Friday and Saturday evening of the Hume Fair.

Even though Easter was a bit different this year, we are blessed to be able to watch services on line and be thankful for our families. About 8 of us met up at the park on Easter Morning (practicing safe distancing) had prayer, sang songs and shared with one another. As someone shared and I won’t have it exactly, but if Jesus could endure what he did on the cross then we can endure what we are going through at this time.

Please stay home, stay safe and practice safe distancing when going out. We hope to be seeing everyone once again.

Courtesy of Karen Irwin 

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