Monday, June 22, 2020

Barton County Health Department confirms three more cases of COVID-19

June 22, 2020
The Barton County Health Department is announcing three additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Barton County. 

Total active cases in the county now stand at 18. The 16th case is related to the previous cluster of exposures in the western portion of the county. The 17th case was discovered during pre-operative testing, while the 18th case stems from a known workplace exposure. Both cases are in the southern portion of the county.

None of the three cases reported any community exposure and have been self-isolating since the onset of symptoms.

To protect the privacy of the individual and their families, we will not release individually identifiable details. The individuals are Quarantined and being monitored closely by the Barton County Health Department.

The Barton County Health Department is working in conjunction with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to determine any close contacts of this individual who were possibly exposed. Those person(s) will be provided with specific instructions on appropriate social distancing, monitoring, and immediate actions should they develop signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

While COVID-19 is spread from person to person, more than 80% of the patients who develop it will only become mildly ill. The concern is for patients with underlying medical conditions and the elderly, who are more likely to need hospital-level supportive care.

Primary symptoms to be aware of include:
100.4 fever or higher - 90% will have fever.
Dry cough - 70% will have a dry cough.
Shortness of breath – for those who become more acutely ill.

To be evaluated for symptoms of COVID-19, or if symptoms worsen, we ask individuals to call their local medical provider or hospital before seeking treatment. People who feel they might have the virus need to give health care providers a warning so safety precautions can be taken before their arrival to help prevent the infection of health care workers and others at the facility.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is operating a hotline for residents and health care providers to call for information and guidance about COVID-19. The statewide hotline number is 877-435-8411. The hotline is being operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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