The program Taking Care of You, a University of Missouri Extension program that offers practical strategies for dealing with stress and life challenges will begin. This course is being offered for FREE!! The research-based program focuses on positive psychology and mindfulness in sessions will be held over eight weeks. Each session will be one hour. The class will be offered via Zoom on Tuesdays starting June 30th to August 11th. There are two different time options 12pm-1pm or 6:30pm-7:30pm. MU Extension is temporarily waiving fees through June 30th for this course to provide support and resources for stress management during this challenging time. There will be no fee for this course, if you sign up before June 30th. Participants learn concepts and practical strategies they can incorporate into their everyday lives through small group discussion, self-reflection and group activities.
Registration is available at
Tuesdays (12pm-1pm):
Tuesdays: (6:30pm-7:30pm):
Or Contact Bates County Extension Office 660-679-1467