Monday, June 8, 2020

Vernon County Health Department confirms new case of COVID-19

June 8, 2020
Vernon County Health Department
Confirmed COVID-19 case

The Vernon County Health Department has confirmed the 12th positive case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This case is isolated at home. This case is related to exposure to a positive case out of county.

Vernon County Health Dept staff has identified and contacted any individual that may have come in close contact with the case which may have put them at risk and will monitor them for any signs and symptoms of illness. Those contacts will also be quarantined at home.

Individuals should continue to practice social distancing, clean/disinfect any high touched surfaces, wash their hands with soap and water routinely, use hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available and avoid touching your face (especially eyes, nose & mouth). It is up to each and every one of us to stop the spread of this disease!

CALL before going to a clinic, urgent care, or ER if you feel you need to be evaluated

Close Contact means: 6 ft or less for 10 minutes or more with a positive case

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