Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Appleton City garage sales just a few weeks away

News from the Appleton City area

August 26, 2020

The A.C. Fall City Wide Garage Sale dates are set for September 18 - 19. Permits are $5 and can be purchased at City Hall from September 1 through noon on September 16. Permits to set up in the A.C. Park are $25 for the pole shelter, $15 for the stage, $10 for a lawn permit and these prices cover both days. Park permits are also available at City Hall and are sold on a first come, first served basis. Maps will be available at Food Fair, Powell's True Value and Casey's beginning Thursday afternoon. House of Joy Ministry will be at the City Park on Saturday from 3:00-5:00 to pick up donations. If you have questions, please call Dianne Foster at 476-2390.

School Starts Wednesday, August 26 at AC Schools. Please note classes start at 7:50 a.m. and dismiss at 3:25 p.m. The school doors will open at 7:30 a.m. Please do not drop your students off at school prior to 7:30 a.m. School Menus are available on the front page of the school website, or at this Opaa! link: Please note: Due to efforts to reduce the risk of illness, microwaves will not be available for use in the cafeteria. Meal prices for students will be: breakfast $1.40, lunch $2.20 and milk $.35. Free and reduced meal form is available at:

Wednesday August 26 and Thursday, August 27, the south end of Food Fair’s parking lot will be getting some much needed repairs. They will be open and the north end of the parking lot will be open, along with being able to walk into Food Fair from the street. They apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Appleton City Second Saturdays for September 12 but they need more vendors. Mark your calendar and let them know if you’d like a booth. You can contact them and get more information at

The Sesquicentennial History book has been published is available at the AC Museum, which is open on Friday 1:30-4:30 p.m. until September.25. The book cost is $25 and $30 if mailed

There is a beef raffle to benefit the Appleton City Cemetery. There will be two chances to win ½ beef processed by Powell’s in Clinton. The drawing will be in the fall of 2020 with a definite date to be announced later. You need not be present to win. Tickets are $10 each. All proceeds go to support the Appleton City Cemetery. Tickets can be purchased at Zink Motors, St. Clair Co. Bank, Noble’s, Community First Bank, Powell’s Tru Value and Green Welding.

After much deliberation, Immaculate Conception Parish has canceled the Annual Labor Day Picnic. However, they will still hold the quilt raffle. Anyone who would like to support that raffle, may buy tickets from a parish member, the Parish Office, or at Montrose Savings Bank. They would like to thank all who have supported the Picnic for many years. They look forward to having it again next year.

The 3rd annual Farm, Family & ME Summit for Women focuses on resilience, financial and farm stress, self-care, and mental well-being.

The free virtual event is 9:00 a.m. to noon Thursday, September. 3. Women are the caretakers of their families and often put themselves at the bottom of their priority lists. They hope this conference reminds them to take care of themselves along with providing resources and educational information. Rural mental health specialist Monica McConkey kicks off the Zoom session with “Put on Your Oxygen Mask!” She offers tips on coping with farm stress through self-care and techniques to strengthen mental well-being. Kelli Jo Buettner, vice president of scored lending and credit operations at FCS Financial, helps women in agriculture deal with money-related stress by understanding important issues in financial health. A panel of farm women wraps up the session by sharing how they find balance in their work and personal lives. For more information, contact Devlin at 660-397-2179 or Register at

Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for August and September. Call 660-476-2111 for appointments: Aug 26– Ortho-Dr. Gray, Aug 27 – Rheumatology, Dr. Tay, Sept 2- Upper GI, Colonoscopy Dr. Namin, Sept 3 – OB/GYN-Dr. Kallberg, Sept 4 –Ophthalmology, Dr. Soni, Sept 9-Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Sept 10 – Podiatry, Dr. Dowell, Sept 10– Rheumatology, Dr. Tay, Sept 16 - Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Namin Sept 23– Ortho-Dr. Gray, Sept 24– Rheumatology, Dr. Tay.

The deadline to register to vote, online or in person, is Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Residents can register to vote at their County Clerk’s office during regular office hours. Registering online requires access to a (computer) tablet, mobile device, or other touchscreen device to electronically sign the registration form. Registering to vote by mail must also be postmarked by Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The absentee and mail-in voting process begins Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Registered voters that want to vote absentee or with a mail-in ballot must complete a “Request for Missouri Absentee or Mail-In Ballot,” and submit to your local election authority by mail or in-person (County Clerk Office). The deadline to request a ballot by mail must be received by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Absentee Ballots must be mailed or submitted in person to local election authority by 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 3, 2020. “Mail-In Ballots” can only be mailed to the local election authority (County Clerk) and must be received by 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Votes that are not received in by that time will not be counted. 3) If you can and you feel safe to do so, visiting the County Clerk’s office on or after Tuesday September 22 to vote absentee or request a mail-in ballot is probably the best way to assure your vote is counted.


Aug 26 First day of classes at Appleton City and Hudson R-IX Schools

Sept 7 Labor Day Holiday

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