Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dear Butler Center Residents and Family Members,

Dear Butler Center Residents and Family Members,

New testing requirements were just released that will help us continue to track and control COVID-19. As a result, all employees will be tested, with the frequency based on our county’s specific COVID-19 prevalence. Residents will have the option to be tested unless they have symptoms or there is a positive case in the center.

​Our county’s prevalence currently means that we are required to test ONCE A MONTH. Tests will be provided at the community and we will continue to update you as new information becomes available.

A few things to keep in mind (this list is not all inclusive):
-Asymptomatic residents will not need to be tested.
-Residents who previously tested positive for COVID-19 will not need to be retested for 90 days. We will be tracking this on any resident’s behalf.
-Should there be a new infection of either an employee or resident in the building, all employees and residents will be tested again at that time to ensure proper precautions.

As we continue to manage this novel coronavirus, pivoting and adapting to change is essential, and we are confident that this increased testing will be beneficial in keeping our residents safe and healthy. 

We appreciate your cooperation on this. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We will be happy to assist you in any way.

April Feris RN, Administrator

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