Thursday, October 22, 2020

Adrian Optimist Students of the Month

The Adrian Optimist Club Adrian Student of the Month for September is Bobby Christian Evans son of Stacey and Antony Evans. Christian, a Junior, is active in FBLA, STUCO as President, NHS, class president, and colorful sports announcing. Outside of school he is into basketball, working out, making art, flying drones and spending time with his family. Christian states, “Thank you for considering me as a recipient of this award. I will continue to strive to represent our Student Body positively. God Bless!” Christian plans for a degree in Mechanical Engineering, likely at Rolla or Wichita State.

The Adrian Optimist Club Ballard Student of the Month is Dylan Tippie, son of Staci Greer and Jimmie Greer. Dylan is a Senior. Business Teacher Cheryl Murchie says, “Dylan is a very dependable person. I can ask him to do anything and I know he will do his very best to do it and do it well.” Language Arts Teacher Rachel Gregory states, “Dylan is proactive when getting his work done and strives to maintain an A average in all his classes and is likely to do any extra credit to reach even above an A.” Math Teacher Micah Bergen says, “ I worked with Dylan this summer, and I would say that we became closer than either one of us wanted to be, but I found out that he is a blast to work with and a great listener.”

The Adrian Optimist Club Miami Student of the Month is Abby Downs daughter of Molly and Eric Downs. Abby, a Freshman, is active in Basketball, Track, Volleyball, and Softball. Outside of school she is into playing sporty games outside like whiffle ball and kickball. Abby states, “I think that the teachers really inspire me to stay in school because they have to do so much work with little pay and have to put up with children. Miami staff state, “Abby is a kind and responsible student. She takes initiative when something needs to be done. As for her future, Abby says, “I don’t know yet.”


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