Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in our district, we have had to make the difficult decision to transition to distance learning beginning Wednesday November 18th through Thanksgiving break for grades 6-12. In person instruction will resume on Tuesday December 1st. Elementary students will still meet in person for now. Tomorrow, junior high and high school students will work with their teachers to determine what materials are needed for distance learning.
All parents/guardians of students in grades 6-12 will receive a phone call to determine your student’s internet and device access. If you have access to reliable internet service at home, but lack the appropriate devices necessary, we have a limited number of chrome books that we can check out to students. If you have no internet access at home, we will be providing paper copies of homework. Please note that all work assigned during this period WILL be collected for a grade. We will be communicating with the bus director and food service director tomorrow to coordinate the drop off and pick up of meals and homework.
When those details are finalized, you will receive another phone call with specific information. During this time of distance learning, teachers will be at school during regular school hours. Most teachers will be holding live google meets with their classes during the time each class would meet. If you have the capability, please make sure your child logs in to participate in the live instruction during their class time.
We are all working together to make sure this process runs as smoothly as possible, and that all of our students are still learning and receiving adequate nutrition while away from school. If you have any questions, please reach out to either your child’s teachers or the office. Thank you.