Thursday, November 12, 2020

Covid cases on the rise in Bates county

Update from Bates County Memorial Hospital: Local COVID-19 Positivity Rate Jumped Dramatically Since September

The number of positive cases for COVID-19 is on the rise in Bates County. Following safety precautions is still strongly advised, like wearing a mask when you are around others who do not live in your household.

So far in November, 26.3% of patients who tested for COVID-19 through Bates County Memorial Hospital and Family Care Clinics have tested positive. This is a sharp increase in positive COVID-19 cases, compared to 13.3% in October and 4.5% in September.

Wearing a Mask is an Effective Safety Measure

“Wearing a mask decreases your risk of COVID-19 exposure from droplets you inhale through your mouth and nose,” said Dr. James Patterson, a family practice physician for Family Care Clinics.  “Just by wearing a mask, you could save a person’s life by slowing the spread of the virus. Masks help people who have the virus and may not know it from transmitting it to others.”

A Community Effort

With cases and hospitalizations going up locally, regionally and nationwide, it’s easy to feel mentally and emotionally drained hearing COVID-19 information. When you feel “virus fatigue”, remember that it is up to everyone in our community working together to slow the spread of the virus, and we can do it, together.

Keep Following Precautions to Slow the Spread of the Virus

Until a vaccine is available, safety precautions are as important as ever.

  • Monitor yourself for COVID-19 symptoms 
  • If you think you might have COVID-19, stay at home except for obtaining medical care
  • Stay 6 feet away from others who aren’t household members
  • Wear your face mask in public
  • Wash your hands or use sanitizer frequently
  • Avoid crowded areas and gatherings

We’re Ready to Keep You Protected

The COVID-19 pandemic has created changes and challenges for everyone. Know that Bates County Memorial Hospital prioritizes your health and wellbeing, now as much as ever. We encourage you to keep taking steps to protect your overall health.


 NEED TESTING?  Call 660-200-3627 during business hours.

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