Hume News
We have several in Hume area that have come down with Covid. Our school made the tough decision to go online due to Covid last Wednesday.
School administrators and staff had a tough job anyway, this year is even worse on them. They love our kiddos as much as we do. They all are doing the best possible for our children, grandchildren\s education and safety. The next time you see some them give them a great big thanks. We will all get through this together.
Saturday, November 21 is our food pantry distribution in Hume. Distribution will look a little different. Rather than our normal mass distribution this Saturday (third Saturday of the month), we will be setting up appointment times for you to pick up your box. All appointments will get the same items – no client choice items this month.
Saturday, November 21 is our food pantry distribution in Hume. Distribution will look a little different. Rather than our normal mass distribution this Saturday (third Saturday of the month), we will be setting up appointment times for you to pick up your box. All appointments will get the same items – no client choice items this month.
Whether you are the first appointment or the last appointment, your box will be the same. Please check our Face book page - in a day we will post a way to sign up for an appointment.
Courtesy of Karen Irwin