Bates County Museum’s Historical Happenings
(From the Eddie Herrman Archives)
November 19th in the year…
1904 – A Frisco railroad train starts a fire, from sparks from its wheels, that damages houses and buildings in Hume.
1870 – The massive stairway for the new Courthouse arrives and will soon be in place. Butler.
1912 – Tom Grimsley & C.A. Wall bring a wagon load of pecans to Butler and receive $265. They estimated they had a ton of the nuts.
1880 - Rockville reports 24 new houses and buildings have been built in the past four months.
1881 – Its reported, in the Bates Co. Record newspaper, that not only is Butler going to have electric lights, but soon a line of street cars will be running from the depot to the Square.
1888 – A miner names Green is killed by falling slate at mine #6 of the Rich Hill Coal Mining Co.
November 20th in the year…
1861 – There is a skirmish between the Cass Co. Home Guard and the Rebels at Butler.
1921 – The Adrian Methodist Church burns.
1880 – Samuel Levy moves his dry goods from the North side of the Square to the Edwards building, on the East side, to be ready for opening on Monday morning.
1851 – A convocation of Master Masons is held at Balltown, Bates Co., and organize Osage Lodge #303, AF & AM.
1888 – The Butler Rifles militia boys receive their guns and equipment and will begin drills immediately.
1900 – The new rural free delivery mail wagons have arrived at the Butler Post Office. Built by the Welk Carriage Works of Sedalia, Mo., they were thru the Williams Bros firm in Butler.