Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Joint Press Release Adrian Fire Department and Bates County Sheriff's Office

On 12/31/2020 at Approximately 1045 am Emergency Services in Bates County were notified of an explosion at the West Central Cooperative in their grain bin area. The explosion was felt for up to 30 miles away and resulted in one person being life flighted to a Kansas City hospital. 

Multiple agencies responded to assist from Adrian Fire Department, Butler Fire Department, Central Cass Fire Department, Bates County EMS, Bates County Sheriff's Office and the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Investigative agencies such as the Missouri Fire Marshal's Office, OSHA along with other industry experts and MFA internal safety crews were called in to assist with assessment of the incident.
Since the initial explosion the situation has been monitored by Law Enforcement and Fire Services. 

The Adrian Fire Chief has been constantly briefed of the progress being made and actions by the crews who are on scene mitigating the incident. We have been aware that there has been product within the storage area smoldering since the initial incident. Recently, the smoldering evolved into a fire that was observed from the road. 

This was not unexpected by anyone who has been involved in this incident. West Central Co-op has been working diligently to remove any potential hazardous material from the property that could be of any danger to the public. 

At this time, with the information from multiple agencies who are experts in this type of incident, we do not feel there is any substantial danger or risk to the general public from this incident. This situation may continue for multiple days and will continue to be monitored by local authorities who will be assessing the safety for our citizens.
A statement is expected to be released by MFA sometime today and we will release that information when its available.

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