(According to Eddie Herrman Archives)
Happenings in January…
1924 – The legendary, world renowned Blind Boone & Company appears at Hume High.
1885 – Butler night watchman, John Dickerson, arrests Charles Simmons, who was full of ‘bug juice’ and waving a large pruning knife at the officer. He is fined $59.19.
1885 – A special social hop is held at the W. J. Bard mansion, near Vinton. A fantastic supper is served at midnight.
1883 – Bates County Post # 58 of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) is organized in Butler.
1890 – The old reliable firm of Burris & Culbertson, in Shobe, is preparing to close their business, as Burris is going to the Yukon Territory to start a store there.
1897 – Jacob Nafus dies. He came to Pleasant Gap township in 1844 and was a successful farmer and stockman.
1869 – The Butler Lodge #254 AF & AM votes to change the by-laws to change the meeting night to the Saturday on or before the new moon.
1902 – Mr. Buckley, of the Seth Thomas Tower Clock Co. of Chicago, is in Butler and making an estimate to submit to the City Council for a town clock in the new Courthouse.
1883 – The Lone Oak Grange holds an oyster supper, with the Butler Brass Band entertaining.
1899 – The new Postmaster of Reavely is Ann Jobson, as the name is changed from Shobe.
1882 – Gunshots are fired into the side of a Missouri Pacific railroad car north of Adrian.
1858 – The Lexington House hotel burns in West Point.
1881 – Of the 19,385 tons of coal produced from the Rich Hill area mines, the town of Butler used 87% of it.
1882 – Dobson & Henry have purchased Boltwood’s cigar factory. They will move it as well as their stock of groceries to the former Chicago Grocery site on Park Avenue in Rich Hill, east of the railroad tracks.
1895 – Rich Hill signs to field a baseball team in the new league with Clinton, Butler, Calhoun, Nevada, Carthage, Webb City, Joplin, Ft. Scott, & Pittsburg.
*Recent news of the closure of Adrian Manor makes the following entry of particular interest. January 24, 1999: Adrian Manor Nursing Home rolls out the welcome mat and the public, from all over the county, explores the only city owned facility of its kind in Missouri. Opening date was April 24, 1976. On May 1, 1995, ownership transferred to the City of Adrian.