Dear Parents:
Winter weather is upon us, and it is important to review procedures for school closing or delaying the opening of school due to snow and inclement weather.
The state is now allowing schools to use virtual learning on snow days so they do not have to make up the days. Using virtual learning on snow days would require us to anticipate a closing the day before a weather event to send home computers with elementary students. This scenario is a difficult one for everyone and for a one-day closure, it’s just not practical. However, if we see a large storm coming that could result in several days out of school, we may send home computers and implement virtual learning if the closure lasts multiple days. At this time, we will use snow days as we normally have in the past.
2 hour late start (9:50 a.m.):
• Preschool/ECSE will not have morning sessions
• Busses will run 2 hours later than the normal schedule
• No morning practices
• Breakfast will still be served
Early Release:
• Should there be an Early Release, you will be notified through a School reach phone call, school email, and Facebook post.
School Closure:
• You will be notified of a school closure through a School reach phone call, school email, and Facebook post. Adrian will also notify local new channels of our school closure. Please listen to Channels 4, 5, 9, 41 or the Butler Radio Station.
• Should there be an Early Release, you will be notified through a School reach phone call, school email, and Facebook post.
School Closure:
• You will be notified of a school closure through a School reach phone call, school email, and Facebook post. Adrian will also notify local new channels of our school closure. Please listen to Channels 4, 5, 9, 41 or the Butler Radio Station.
Make sure that all of your phone numbers and emails are up to date in our school information system (SIS) so we are able to contact you in case of a school closure.
Thank You
Don Lile
Adrian RIII School Superintendent
Thank You
Don Lile
Adrian RIII School Superintendent