The Rich Hill School District has had two teachers and two students test positive. We’ve quarantined students from both the elementary and the high school due to COVID19. All close contacts have been made.
The school will be entering Phase Orange in the morning. We appreciate your patience as we work with health officials to meet county guidelines so we can keep school open. After missing 3 months of school last spring, we are hopeful the 9 days we haven’t had students at school this year will be the only ones. I know these times are stressful for everyone everywhere.
People on all sides of the issue are frustrated and angry. We have kids coming to school telling us they are depressed, isolated, and lonely. Our counselors are working hard to meet these kids' needs. Teachers are trying to connect with kids every way possible and make them feel at home, connected, and cared for. I am proud of both the children and the staff of Rich Hill R-IV School District standing strong this year.
We know school is the best place for kids to be every day and we are doing everything we can to meet kids’ needs while staying in compliance with county, state, federal, and department of education requirements. We are doing our best with the things we can control and managing our best with the things out of our control.
Thank you.