Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Butler Financial Audit: “A Very Clean Report”

Photo by Prolook Studios
In the regular session of the Butler city council meeting last week, guest Kim Pearson representing Dana Cole & Company, gave Butler a glowing report regarding the recent financial audit. As he addressed the council, Pearson pointed out the audit was “fairly presented” and showed no signs of non compliance, giving the city a very clean assessment of record keeping.

Councilman Alan Mundey reported the finance committee met just prior to the council meeting and some topics discussed were the report from Pearson along with some basic discussion about how to spend the approximately 800k the city is set to receive under the CARES Act. However, it’s a bit in limbo since no one can be certain when the money is coming or other pertinent information such as how it must be used.

The airport commission reported that there are currently two projects in the works, with funding by way of MoDot and the CARES act. The work entails pavement sealing for the tarmac and other areas, along with a new beacon light. It appears the final documentation will be signed at the next airport commission meeting that could allow work to begin right away. However, there is a glitch- as of yet, no contractors have bid the work. The city plans to heavily advertise, feel free to help spread the word.

The major discussion at the airport meeting was crop dusters flying low, over homes and highways. There are concerns about the chemicals used and damage to the paved areas near the ramp by heavy trucks. With that, there will be upcoming discussions with the public works department to see if a section can be cordoned off to avoid widespread damage.

There was discussion about what to do with the old swimming pool building on south High street. During the next parks and rec meeting, members plan to tour the facility to check the condition of the building to determine if it can be used for something, or should it be torn down. The next meeting will be September 9th at noon, the board will meet at the north end of the park to discuss and the public is invited to tag along.

A hearing was held regarding property taxes and a discussion followed reaffirming that the tax rate will not increase this year; however the assessed property values will naturally increase. It was made clear the council does not have control of property value assessments and the tax levy ordinance for 2021 was passed by unanimous vote.

City Clerk Corey Snead reported that improvements to the city’s computers/network are ongoing and necessary security upgrades are expected to be completed soon. Butler was lagging in this area, the city of Joplin recently got hacked costing them a substantial amount of time and money.

The Butler city council meets on the first and third Tuesdays, 7 pm at city hall. Whether you attend or view online, the public is always highly encouraged to get involved.

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