Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Mission accomplished: Now to pay it forward

A few months back, FM 92.1 radio station and Mid America Live teamed up to help promote a fundraiser for Diana Taylor (standing) to raise funds to transition her book Life Unarmed My Story to a screenplay. Taylor was four years old when she was electrocuted by over 7,000 volts- and as she barely clung to life, her parents were advised to plan a funeral. However, through the grace of God, she survived and 50 years later was approached by a company who wants to put her story on the big screen. To cover some of the upfront and incidental costs of $4,617.90, our community not only met but exceeded that amount by $815.00. Today, Taylor gifted the excess funds to the Carpenter's Cup as seen here. Mid America Live and 92.1 will provide updates as work on the screenplay advances.

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