Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Blighted Adrian Motel To Get Major Makeover


During the Adrian city council meeting on the 14th, it was formally announced that the former Adrian motel property is getting a major face lift and will be converted to non subsidized apartment housing. Spearheading the work is Pastor Chris Sams, who wanted to check with the council before proceeding with the project to make sure all i’s were dotted and t’s crossed- and he was indeed given a green light by the council to go ahead with work.

For the past several years the property had been a target of controversy that stemmed from squatters to illegal activity, and it appears new ownership with a new plan will be the ticket. Sams advised the council that the structure will be taken down to the studs and rebuilt into 10 one bedroom and three 2 bedroom apartments available for an affordable price.

Sams emphasized that the structure will undergo a complete transformation including sheet rock, plumbing, electrical, flooring, roofing and HVAC. While a completion date is yet to be revealed, Sams will be providing an artists rendering of the final product that will be made public soon.

Administrator Ron Pence provided an update to the Adrian city council last week, saying that work at the former Crystal Manor is nearly complete as finishing touches are being done with painting and new carpet. He did say a delay in the arrival of new furniture hopefully will be a temporary issue.

Regarding the former Manor, Pence advised that it may be longer yet before the facility opens. Underlying issues have been discovered, the biggest possibly related to a leaking sewer pipe that unfortunately is located inside an interior wall leaving a huge unknown regarding cost and time involved.

In other council news, a discussion was held regarding the auction of exotic birds and other small animals, possibly on a monthly basis on the Recycled Homestead property. The council advised that there are no ordinances against such sales, which would be done mostly to benefit local 4-H clubs and other civic groups. More details regarding this are expected soon.

Fire Chief Gary Dizney addressed the council regarding an small expense to install new antennas on fire vehicles that will be outfitted with digital radios that will put the department in compliance with the Motorola MOSWIN radio network now being utilized by dispatch, which is the Bates County Sheriffs Office.

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