Monday, February 28, 2022

Get Involved: Town-to-Village Community Water Well Project

 The key word in the Town-to-Village Community Water Well Project is community. Our community comes together to work, play, worship, socialize, and help one another. When we see a neighbor in need, our community takes action. This project is an opportunity to do the same on a global level. If we can provide clean water for even one village, our community can make an impact. We can give a better quality of life on a day-to-day basis to those whose community is in the same situation as it’s neighbors and without the resources needed to help themselves.

The goal is to raise at least $10,000 to send to Charity Water, a Better Business Bureau approved charity. They use 100% of money donated to the clean water projects. They do this by having all overhead costs (office, employees, etc,) paid for by philanthropists. After the project is complete, they send information, including pictures and GPS coordinates, of how and where the money was used. This information will be made public and a display donated to the Bates County museum.

In order for the community to feel ownership of the results, let’s all get involved. Different local organizations, schools, youth groups, and businesses could all help meet this goal. Three thousand five hundred dollars has already been raised while trying to get the information out to the community. Thank you to all who have helped and/or donated so far. Donations can be made anytime at Carpenter’s Cup or Community First Bank. 

If any group or organization would like to get involved or would like more information, call Debbie Norman at (660)200-5736. Your efforts will be appreciated and recognized in local media. Let’s do this thing! -courtesy Debbie Norman

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