Monday, February 14, 2022

Ready to Roll: Major Upgrade for Adrian Fire Department


Adrian Fire Chief Gary Dizney unveiled a true “labor of love” this week- a new, well utilized rescue truck that not only will enhance the department’s capabilities but will speed up critical response time as well. “The truck is set up and arranged a certain way that makes it very simple for responders to not only access the scene quickly, but get the tools they need without delay”. 

The Hemi powered Dodge purchased from Max Motors has replaced the older Ford, which had a diesel engine and utility bed. While the diesel presented it’s own set of maintenance challenges, the utility bed wasn’t very ‘user friendly’, requiring personnel to climb into the bed to access needed tools. The new truck features a roll-out bed carriage making it very simple to quickly see and choose what is needed. This didn’t come easy however, according to Dizney “Two fire department members, Tyler Lincoln and Chris Zurn each donated their time, in the neighborhood of 100 hours each, setting up the truck. The finished product is probably the most well thought out setup, ever”. Their work entailed installation and wiring of communications equipment, emergency lightning and helping with layout of the roll-out section. 

Dizney went on to say that it couldn’t have happened without solid community support, as the department does not receive any outside money, state or federal. “Our equipment belongs to the people. And the people, including our rural fire board, patrons who pay dues, make extra contributions, organizations who donate, all made this new truck a reality”. He also paid hearty thanks to Steve Lincoln who donated workshop space while the truck was made ready for service.  

The Rescue truck is one on the most integral components of the fire department. “This truck rolls on literally every call” said Dizney “Whether its a fire, accident or medical call”. And roll it does, at current, Adrian Fire is averaging around 30 calls for service each month and that can vary greatly as three or four calls a day is not unusual. Rescue carries things not usually associated with fire or brush trucks, such as medical bags, oxygen, ‘cribbage’ (used to stabilize vehicles following an accident), Jaws of Life, hand tools, a generator and much more.

“I just can’t thank everyone enough” noted Dizney “again, this is a community driven effort and everyone stepped up to make it happen. I highly encourage anyone to take a moment to thank our volunteer firemen and women any time you see them. We’re all part of a great team”.

And while the year long effort to replace the rescue truck did finally happen, covering regular operating costs with the fire department is an ongoing effort. For those who live outside the city and in the fire district, you are encouraged to become a member- call Adrian city hall for details.

Adrian Fire Chief Gary Dizney demonstrates the ease of using the roll-out bed that gives quick access to needed tools in the new Rescue unit.

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