Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Happy Retirement Duane

On Tuesday night, we celebrated the incredible career of Captain Duane Gerke with surprise retirement party at the station!

Duane has been with the City of Harrisonville for 35 years; beginning as a volunteer firefighter in the late 80s, before accepting a job with the Water Department.
Duane was promoted to captain when Fire and EMS combined in 2006 and has served as the C shift Captain ever since.
Duane has provided priceless knowledge and leadership to the department throughout his many years and we will miss him greatly. It will be difficult to fill the void he will leave behind.
Please join us in thanking Captain Gerke for his many years of dedicated service to the Harrisonville community, and wishing him well as he enters retirement! - 

Courtesy of the Harrisonville Emergency Services 

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