Sunday, March 6, 2022

We will never forget!

March 6, 2018 was a tragic day for the Clinton Police Department, when Officer Ryan Morton was shot and killed, along with two other officers being shot. This tragedy shook this community as well as the family and friends of Ryan. 

We miss him every day. But, on this day, we choose to remember Ryan's life and how he lived it!! For those that knew him, he was the life of the party and never short on sharing a story or two..... or three!! 

The picture posted sums this up. Each and every day we at the Clinton Police Department have vowed to be a little better than we were the day before, both in our work life and personal life. This is what Ryan would want.

For all of us to move forward and be the best version of us we can be. We can not express enough appreciation to this community that has supported us through the tragedies we have faced. We couldn't have done it without you!!

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