Friday, September 30, 2022

State Farm Student Athlete of the Week

We are very happy to announce this week’s State Farm Student Athlete of the week junior, Briar McIntire from Archie. Briar plays on the Whirlwinds varsity football team. He was nominated by his Head Coach Drew Smith. 

Coach Smith nominated Briar because “he is constantly looking to better himself on the football field and works extremely hard in the weight room. He has been a leader for our team all year and represents himself well both on and off the football field. Briar is also our team captain and is currently sitting with a 4.0 GPA.” 

Currently the Whirlwinds are 5-0. When we asked Briar why he likes being apart of a team sport he stated, “being apart of a team feels like you are apart of a family.” We then asked him what he feels is the toughest aspect of being an athlete, “I feel like balancing school and practice is the hardest thing. Many days I have homework and then have a game or practice." When we asked him what makes him so passionate about athletics, he told us, “a big part of it is I have a drive to not fail. I've been doing it since I was little and just strive to be the best athlete I can." The last thing we asked Briar was what sets apart an elite athlete. 

Briar believes, "being an elite athlete is all about the off season. It is the most important time and this is where you become the athlete you strive for. It's about the hard work you put into it." It was such a pleasure talking to Briar. We wish him and the Whirlwinds the best of luck this season! They have a big game tonight against Drexel.

Pictured left to right: Head Coach Drew Smith; Briar McIntire, son of Matt & Dana McIntire; Baylie Pitts, State Farm 

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