Saturday, October 1, 2022

From the city of Pleasanton Kansas

Late last night, crews worked for several hours to repair a 6" water main that broke. The levels in the water tower dropped significantly because it was such a large line.

You may experience some discolored water as a result of the repair. For best results, run your outside faucet for several minutes then turn on the water inside. Continue to run water inside until it clears up. 

We will be contacting KDHE shortly to apprise them of the break and the rapid loss of water in the tower. This MAY result in a boil advisory. If it does, we will attach the official communication from KDHE that will include instructions on how you should handle water usage.

UPDATE: After speaking with KDHE, city water personnel were advised that there is no need for a boil advisory at this time. We maintained water pressure during the repair and had very few customers that experienced no water during the repair. 

We will continue to follow KDHE's recommendations to ensure your drinking water is safe. If you are experiencing air in your lines, please run your outside faucet or your bathtub faucet to help alleviate that.

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