Thursday, January 26, 2023

Clearwave fiber internet coming

During the recent Butler city council meeting it was announced that Clearwave Fiber is making progress on obtaining right-of-way easements and otherwise moving ahead to bring their internet services to the city of Butler within the next two years. For now, more information can be found at

The council noted that progress is also being made in the upcoming implementation of the AMI remote utility meter reading system that will greatly enhance speed and accuracy of reading meters while saving the city a substantial amount of manual labor as well. Currently timelines are being set in place to start the project within the next 6-8 months.

A request was made by resident Jason Fisher for a variance on zoning for property in the 200 block of west Dakota so he may build small engine repair shop on the location formerly occupied by a home. The council will prepare a resolution for the change to be addressed in the upcoming February 7 meeting.

City Clerk Corey Snead noted that it’s time for business license renewals and letters will be sent as a reminder; likewise owners may stop by city hall to pay up as well.

There was discussion of making a dog park in Butler, in upcoming days the council will be looking for public opinion on whether or not this is something the city wants, along with where would be a suitable location.

The police department is forging ahead with installation of a new dispatch radio console, it’s been an ongoing project and hopefully will be completed by Spring. Likewise, the department has a new Facebook page and the public is invited to like/join the page for updates and more.

Some discussion was devoted to upcoming street and sewer projects that will begin soon, more information with timelines are expected in upcoming meetings.

Remember, the Butler city council meets on the first and third Tuesdays 7 pm, upstairs at city hall. The public is highly encouraged to attend and an elevator is available for those with special needs. Photo credit ProLook Studio

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