Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Co-op lineworkers honored for international work

Electric cooperatives in Missouri celebrated Lineworker Appreciation Day this week. The celebration included a visit to the Missouri Capitol for 15 lineworkers who volunteered to bring electricity to unserved parts of the world through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association International Program.

Since 1962, the NRECA International Program has provided access to safe, reliable, and affordable electricity to more than 160 million people worldwide. The International Program has helped establish more than 250 electric utilities and electric cooperatives in 48 countries.

The Missouri Legislature recognized the work accomplished by these volunteers from Missouri’s electric cooperatives who have traveled internationally to build power lines for those who would otherwise go without electricity. They worked in Liberia, South Sudan, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Bolivia.

Their visit included being recognized during the House and Senate sessions. They also met with Gov. Mike Parson, who thanked them for their volunteer efforts and acknowledged the difficulty of their task.

Those taking part in the Capitol visit included four linemen from Osage Valley Electric Cooperative: Joe Bridgewater, Jimmy Nissen, Kevin Little (Retired), and Kurtis Moore.

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