Thursday, April 13, 2023

In recognition...

The news reassures us every day that our world is spinning out of control more and more and times are rapidly changing! Calls for all divisions of emergency services are busy every day and more times in a day than what they most likely have been in years past. Kudos to those who are willing to serve and protect, and we are so very thankful for all of them. Saying that, leads me into my purpose for this letter.

There is a very special group of individuals who serve in the emergency services that too often get overlooked. Not for a second do I believe that this overlooking is intentional, but we know it happens. Today, we want to make sure these individuals get the recognition and the credit that they deserve, and we hope that they will forgive us when we “overlook” and fail to recognize that we could not have done anything, to help anyone, had it not been for them.

This week is Telecommunicators Week (911 dispatchers) and if anyone deserves to be told how much they are appreciated, it would be these individuals. They answer every 911 call and at that moments notice, they coordinate and direct whatever agencies needs to respond, (and that can be several,) all while staying focused on the task that is required. We cannot begin to describe all the tasks that they perform on any given emergency, and all the non-emergency behind the scenes duties that they take care of as well, but we know the tasks can be overwhelming.

Not every 911 call is a life-threatening call, but when it is, and if its your life, or perhaps your loved one’s life that is depending on the 911 services, you will be very grateful for what and how these individuals handle the situation.

For those who don’t know, the Adrian Fire Department is dispatched through the Bates County Sheriff’s Department Communications Center and sometimes the Butler Police Department Communications Center. They do a great service for our communities in Bates County, and they have helped save many lives by their quick and professional actions.

On behalf of the members of the Adrian Fire Department, please know that you are appreciated more than a few words can tell, but we greatly appreciate you along with “ALL” communications operators everywhere.

Chief Dizney
Adrian Fire Department

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