Friday, April 14, 2023

State Farm Student Athlete of the week

We are very excited to announce the first Spring State Farm Student Athlete of the week, senior Annalee Gardner from Butler. Annalee is a member of the varsity track team. Her main events include pole vault, the 300 m hurdles, and 100 m hurdles. 

Annalee was nominated by her head coach Richard Courter. Coach Courter said, "Annalee has broke her own pole vault record and broke the Warrensburg meet record. She also is ranked first in her class for pole vault." We asked Annalee how she stays motivated, “my passion for it is a huge reason and I grew up around it. Also, I know there is always something I can improve and work harder on. Knowing I can get better and knowing where I can be in the future keeps the drive.” 

We asked her to state what it takes to be an elite athlete. She replied with, "their mindset and work ethic. They never stop and elaborate on the fact that some days will be bad and some days will be good, but all that matters is you keep going." Then we asked Annalee what the toughest aspect of sports were. She said, "probably the mindset. Every athlete has a point where their down on themselves. There's always going to be the point you want to give up. 

However, you have to have the mindset, whatever kills you makes you stronger." Finally, we asked her to share her favorite track memory with us. She told us, "winning the state championship, but breaking my pole at sectionals was a close second." 

We wish Annalee and the Butler track team the best of luck finishing their season! Pictured left to right: Kellie Davidson, State Farm; Annalee Gardner, daughter of Glenn and Nadja Gardner; Baylie Pitts, State Farm.

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