Saturday, April 8, 2023

Update from Michael G's Greenhouses

We opened one week ago today. Thank you to those who have come out to see us. Things grow faster as the days get longer and the weather warms up. We still have things to transplant, hanging baskets to make, things to pinch back, and tons of watering daily. I will be open tomorrow, which is Easter. A reminder that I will not open until one tomorrow.

Typically Easter is a slower day so my help will all be with their families. If many people show up to shop there could be a bit of wait to get checked out...

I am 70 and have lost my faster gears. A lot of you know what I mean, and all of you will find out someday. Jesus said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, I get that too. I thank Jesus for what He did for me, how about you?

-Michael G's Greenhouses

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