Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Weekly meeting reports from the Bates County Commission


March 27 The Bates County Commission met with the Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

The Group Guardians of the Children came in asking to place a temporary memorial for child abuse awareness. April is Child abuse awareness month. They will install it and maintain it. As well as remove it in May. This display will have 63 pinwheels. One for each child that passed in 2021. Jim states that the courthouse lawn might not be the place for it. He is concerned with causing any prejudice from any trials at the courthouse. He recommended placing it on the parking lot of the Administration building. Corner of Delaware and Ft. Scott. It was also mentioned to check with White Oak Station to see if they would allow it. Ken made the motion to allow the Child Abuse memorial placed in the Administration lot. If they do not get permission to do it elsewhere. Trent seconded the motion. All votes yes. No opposition. Motion carried.

March 29 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Approved bills. 

The Commission met with Jim Platt, Danyelle Baker, Carl Bettels, Jami Page, Susie Smalley, Lynn Bennett, Daniel Stewart and Brenda Doody to discuss IT services.  The Commission will be putting out a bid for computer and network services.  The bid will exclude the Sheriff’s Office and the courts.  Anyone who wants to bid will be required to take an inventory of computer equipment that is in each office.  They will need to make an appointment with Jami Page to do the inventory.  Bids will be due by April 26th at 2:00.  The bids will be open at that time.  Jim Platt asked if the phones would continue to be with Lumen.  Jim Wheatley said they want to get away from using Brightspeed.  The IT provider we go with will monitor our phone system.  Brenda Doody said she currently does not have a server in her office.  She is backing up her computers to a flash drive.

April 3 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. In accordance with Sunshine Law Section 610.021 Legal Action.

Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney made the motion to go into closed session at 10:25 am. Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson seconded. All voted yes. Motion passed. Closed session started. 

At 10:36 am Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson made the motion to leave closed session and resume normal meeting. Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney seconded. All voted yes. Motion passed. Normal session resumed.  In accordance with Sunshine Law Section 610.021 Legal Action.

Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson made the motion to go into closed session. Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney seconded. All vote yes. Motion carried. Close Session commenced at 1:50pm. 

Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney made the motion to end closed session at 2:00 pm and resume regular meeting. Southern Commissioner seconded. All voted yes. Motion carried.

April 5 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Approved bills.

Bill Stephens with Road and Bridges came in to check in with the Commission. 

NextEra Energy representatives, Fiona Bagwell, John Felitto and Alan Anderson came in to check on the road use and decommission agreements. Jim reported they have spoken with Ivan Schraeder, the county’s legal representation, and he had cleared the agreement. Jim stated he has not read through it all as of  yet but is hoping to have it back to her on Monday. Jim did ask if they were only constructing the solar farm and then selling it. Fiona stated this company is the developer, owner and operator in most cases. Only once did they end up selling the farm to the utilities and even then they remained the operator. They have had 9 projects that all have gone as planned and to time frame. They want the same for our County so we would have a good experience to share.  Ken asked if the lease agreements with the landowner stays with the land or with the owner. Fiona stated they agreements are with the land. The payments could be changed but the agreements and easements stand for the 30 years. Ken also asked if the closing of the Lacygne power plant changes anything for the solar farm. Fiona stated no as the power plant is only the area where they can tie into the power grid. Jim asked about  hydrogen power. Fiona stated that in most cases the hydrogen power plants use renewable energy like solar and wind to fuel their generation. Having a mix of available sources only strengthens the power available on the grid. 

Ray and Nina, county maintenance and custodian, came over to bring to the commissions attention the courthouse camera and security system lease is about up. Currently we are paying $1100.00 to Federal Protection to lease the system. Per the agreement they are supposed to maintain, repair and replace any equipment. Currently they have not replaced the courtroom’s camera or view so that the whole room can be seen. They are also hard to get ahold of or deal with for repairs. Ray mentioned during the Fire Alarm System install with Atronic they provided a quote for owning a system with a maintenance agreement of $490.00 a month. They have been very helpful and available.

April 10 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

They went over the legal document for the NextEra Road Use Agreement. Ken made the motion to accept the road use agreement. Trent seconded the motion. All voted yes. Motion passed no opposition. Agreement was signed by the Commission and Attested by County Clerk, Jami Page. 

They also went over the decommissioning agreement. Ken made the motion to accept the decommissioning agreement. Trent Nelson seconded. All voted yes. Motion passed no opposition. Agreement was signed. Attested by County Clerk, Jami Page.

April 12 The Bates County Commission met with Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley was attending a meeting in Jefferson City.

10:00 am. Josh Framel, with Clearway, came in to update the commission on the Swan Project at Lacygne. This is the second solar project in the area. They are wanting to get conversations started on the Road Agreements and Decommissioning. They have the land they need  in agreements. Around 2000 acres in Missouri and 2000 acres in Linn County, Kansas. They will be moving into the boundary survey and geological testing phase. The design phase will be soon after. Once everything is set it should take about 18 months to complete. They will use a main contractor and hopefully hire local workers. 

11:00 Haley Meyers is wanting to present supplemental insurance to the county workers. This is a non-payroll supplemental insurance that is an owned policy. People keep the policy even if they move to a different job.  These policies are unique in the fact that if the policy is not used in 25 years the premiums up to that point are paid back to the person. The policy is still on-going and premiums still owed. This company is Better Business Bureau A+ and Best A+ rating.

April 17 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

9:00 County Clerk, Jami Page, has the assessor’s reimbursement that needs signed by the commission. She also brought in the ordinance for the Marijuana tax. The department of Revenue needs this soon. She also brought 3 quotes for a new mower for the courthouse.

11:00 Werner Jones, Hometown Tech, came in asking for permission to put a site to site antenna on the tower at the road and bridge barn. There are 2 customers out that way that are having trouble with their signal and this would boost that for them. His insurance would cover any instances this might cause. The equipment only weighs 11 pounds, and he would install it. He is a certified climber. The commission asked for him to come back when the signal he is using is more secure.   2:00 Todd with KC Web. This was rescheduled.

April 19 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney, joined that day. 

Todd Hanifl and Philp Derr with KC Web came in to discuss installing equipment on the radio tower for internet service. They own their own equipment and have their own carrier. This is needed to provide service to residents south of the tower. Jim stated he didn’t want people out there at all hours and would need to discuss this with the county attorney.  Todd said the equipment needs to be 100 feet up the tower. Trent mentioned the tower may need some maintenance done to it. The Commissions biggest concern                            Continued next page>

is security and liability. Todd assured the commission they were insured. Approved Bills. 

Lindsey Chaffin with Great River Engineering came in to talk about BRO-23 replacement on county road 130041/ 24ft wide bridge with guardrail. Preliminary estimate is $600,000.00. Project will start in 2024. They will start talking to the landowners in the late summer or early fall. 

Ryan Cutter, Meteorologist in Pleasant Hill came in to give a presentation on heavy rain and perform an exercise showing what the National Weather Service does for a watch and a flash flood warning. Those attending were Brenda Cecil, Jason Wix, Mike West, Jerret Wheatley, Dennis Jacobs, Jason Bennett, Jim Roberts, Derick Barr, Trent Diehl, and Brady Gilleland.                                                        

Commission approved for Dewey’s to go ahead and take down the tree on the south side. They want him to check the tree on the east side to see if it needs to come down or just be trimmed. 

Ken made the motion to appoint Wesley Hubbard to fill in the vacant position on the Senior Services Board. Trent 2nd. All in favor. Motion passed. 

The Commission hasn’t decided yet on the mower bid. 

Trent made the motion to approve the 3% marijuana sales tax ordinance. Ken seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Ordinance # 2023-01. 

Commission discussed with their legal counsel the use of taxpayer dollars.  They were informed by their legal counsel that according to Missouri State Constitution, Article 4, Sections 23 thru 25, no county, city or other political subdivision of the state shall be authorized to lend its credit or grant public money or thing of value to or in aid of any corporation, association or individual. The commission is to continue to discuss this at their next meeting.

April 24 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Kevin Fischer with PWSD #7 came in to check on the status of the ARPA money. The Commission stated they have been working on it and will make decisions in the next 2 weeks. Kevin says they are starting the work soon and just wants to be assured that they are receiving money from the ARPA. The commission stated they are committed to giving the water districts money for their repairs. 

The Courthouse is having issues with access to and from the building. Once people are in, they can go to any door and exit or let others in. There needs to be one main access point at the security desk. Atronic has submitted a quote to have the doors opened if the fire alarms go off. With this in place all the doors except the security door could be shut off. This would mean the employees would need to go through the security access point as well. 

Ken made the motion due to the structural integrity concerns no private entity is allowed to be on or put any equipment on the radio tower at the bridge barn. Trent seconded. All in favor. Motion passed with no opposition. A phone call was made to Russ at the Hospital, and he stated they use the repeater on the tower for communication with their ambulances. 

Bids for the lawn mower are Golden Valley Tractor in Clinton $13,174.99, Heritage Tractor in Adrian $16,694.00 and Extreme Motors in Butler $8942.00. Ken made the motion to go with Extreme Motors. Trent seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. No opposition.

April 26 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley present.  Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson came in later in the day.  Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney was absent. Approved bills.

May 3 The commission approved bills and met with Shayne Simmons regarding courthouse security.

May 8 No meeting, Truman Day holiday.

May 10 Approved bills.

May 15 Depository bid opening.

May 17 Approved bills

May 22 Met with Galen Floyd regarding group benefit services. I.T. bid opening.

May 24 Approved bills and held I.T. meeting.

May 29 No meeting, holiday.

May 31 Approved bills. Met with State Representative Sherri Gallick.

Additional notes regarding May meetings will be provided in an upcoming post.

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