Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Lynn Goddard Memorial Award

As you may have heard, this year our family will be handing out the first annual Lynn Goddard Memorial Award to a deserving Cass County 4-H exhibitor at the Cass County Junior Livestock Association Sale on August 3rd. 

We thought it was the perfect way to honor Mom, a lady who was a 4-H volunteer, project leader, parent and grandparent for over 25 years...while also giving back to the community that we love.
On August 3rd the winner will receive a beautiful award plaque as well as a monetary award with the amount TBD. Please help us make this award extra special for a young showman by participating in our online fundraiser. All money raised will go directly toward these annual awards.
You can follow the link below to order. There are several different styles of merchandise to choose from as well as a decal. You can choose to have your items shipped directly to your door or I will pick up and we can figure out a pick up plan. THANK YOU!

All orders must be submitted by July 21st!

-The Goddard Family

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