Thursday, August 17, 2023

Proposed Dance...

Proposed Dance

There is some talk of having a dance on September 30. This dance would be open to the community but is being considered to allow class reunion members an opportunity to socialize and catch up. 

The Butler Alumni Association will now be holding their Alumni Association meetings on the same weekend as Homecoming each year. It is hoped that class reunions will be held on this weekend, so alumni can take in the Homecoming festivities on Friday with the parade and football game. 

The yearly Alumni Meeting will be held on Saturday with the proposed dance on Saturday night. The proposed band is Honky Tonk Dream featuring Jake Duvall. 

The doors would open a couple of hours before the music. Those interested in hosting the dance would like to know what the response would be for this dance. 

Please click the link below by August 18th and tell us if you would be interested in coming to a dance. Thanks for helping out!

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