Monday, September 25, 2023

Papinville after Order No. 11 was issued

 Order 11 came about this way. Women and relatives of the Bushwhackers were imprisoned by the Federals in an old building in Kansas City. On August 14,1863 the building collapsed and killed and injured some of the women. The wife of “Bloody Bill” Anderson, a Bushwhacker chief, was killed. In a mad frenzy he and William Clark Quantrill launched an attack against Lawrence, Kansas, a stronghold of the abolitionist. On August 20, 1863 over 100 men died in the streets of Lawrence. Jim Lane, a Jayhawk leader, escaped half naked into a cornfield. He was the one that pressured General Thomas Ewing of Kansas City, to issue the “Order 11”. It drove all the people of rural Jackson, Cass, Bates and northern Vernon counties from their homes. For many years the area was known as the “Burnt District”.

This order appeared harsh and unjust for many, but was enacted as a military necessity and undoubtedly saved many lives. People hastily gathered up what few personal items they could pack up and left. Anything left behind would be stolen or burnt. Some only went as far as the order decreed while others went farther. Some stayed where they went and never returned to Papinville. In the fall of 1863 there was not one single family left in Bates county. Just two short years before there had been thousands of contented, prosperous and happy people. As a proof of the number of citizens in the county, there were more than 1,200 votes cast at the general election in 1860. Anything in the town of Papinville that had not been burnt in 1861 was now completely destroyed.

This was taken from a letter after the burning of Papinville when Jim Lane came through and burnt Papinville in 1961. Quote: Papinville was burned, not a building was left except two at some distance away. The town is in ruins. It was a post town on the mail route to Fort Scott, Kansas, regular reception and delivery of mail. It was also the county seat with a good brick courthouse used also as a meeting house,two large hotels, and six stores and a population of 400. It was a center of trade and business for a large surrounding territory of fertile country. After the burning of Papinville in 1861 the “Order 11” was issued. This was the second burning of Papinville. This time everything was burnt.

The Civil War ended on April 9, 1865 with Confederate forces surrendering. Although military hostilities had ceased many bitter feuds remained and lingered for a long time.

It was not until 1866 that the people returned to their ruined homesteads . Much of the land was not reclaimed and reverted back to the government.

Slowly houses and business were built and the land was reclaimed. There was only one house that was not burnt and it is still standing. Next week the story will be about the Klinksick house that is still standing and the story that was told to my mother (Mildred Marquardt), when she wrote her book “Three Mile Square”.( You will be able to purchase this book at the picnic.) The second story will be about the murder of Mr. Eddy, who was one of the first merchants in Papinville.

When the people came back and started building houses and businesses it became a nice thriving community. There were four doctors, two butchers shops, flour mill, drugstores, an attorney, justice of the peace, several hotels, saloons, dry good stores, harness shop and blacksmiths. The bridge was built back in 1873, which helped to bring trade to Papinville.

When the boat trade stopped and the railroads came in, Papinville became just a local trading point and not the business center of earlier days. A two story school was built in 1868 and several churches were constructed. Now we have about 45 people that live in Papinville. There have been several hunting clubs that have built lodges in Papinville. We are still proud of our community and always helping each other out. There is so much history in this area and we hope to keep the history going. We have the picnic each year to keep the history alive. If you would like to help us in any way contact these numbers. 417 395 4288 or 417 395 2594. We would like to have more activities but we need the help. Hope you came to the picnic this year and enjoyed yourself.. We thank everyone who helped this year with the games, silent auction, baking pies for the pie auction, cooking the food, wagon rides and donations. Let’s keep Papinville history alive.


Submitted by Phyllis Stewart, Activity Director

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