Monday, October 23, 2023

BCMH Celebrates Healthcare Facilities Week

Our original hospital building was constructed in 1960, and the latest addition and remodel was 20 years ago, so it stands to reason our Plant Operations team never has a dull day.

The "typical" day might have them playing detective, crawling through the crawlspace like a soldier in training camp, or coming back to work in the wee hours of a wintry night to salt parking spaces and sidewalks.

Their daily mission is to make our facilities run efficiently and to ensure a safe environment for patients, employees and visitors. Mission impossible? This team makes it all seem effortless, and with humor to boot.

We appreciate their excellent work for BCMH, but they are also kind and generous, and we want to honor them for that.

Help us say Happy Healthcare Facilities Week to (L-R): Robert Clover, Director of Plant Operations and Safety; Dickie Reinke, Mike Keiser and Jason Rosier.

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