Wednesday, October 4, 2023

NRTC Director Eric Schneider named Missouri CTE Administrator of the Year.

(Nevada, Missouri) On Monday October 2nd, Eric Schneider was recognized as the Administrator the Year by the Missouri Council of Career and Technical Administrators. In his capacity as NRTC Director, Mr. Schneider has had the opportunity to assist instructors as they continue to reshape and enhance the career and technical education opportunities for students at NRTC.
According to Dr. Gage Tiller, Director at Carthage Technical Center, “Eric has played an integral role in the Southwest Missouri Career Pathways Coalition (SMCPC) that paired CTE instructors together to develop a common curriculum aligned to industry and postsecondary standards. (He) has become a well-known voice for Missouri CTE. Any time you have a conversation with Eric, it's easy to see his passion for high-quality CTE and ensuring students are prepared for life after high school… (He) has been a great asset to both NRTC and MCCTA. His willingness to get involved and be an advocate for CTE are unmatched. He has the charisma and personality to draw people in and follow his great leadership.”

Mr. Schneider had the following to say. “I love what I get to do with and for the students and staff at NRTC. The instructors and support staff at our school are truly outstanding. Dr. Beshore and Mrs. McNeley, our Nevada Central Office Administrators, are always supportive of our CTE efforts. I have had the privilege of working closely with the other outstanding CTE Directors in SW Missouri and have leaned on them heavily at times. I have experienced the advantage of working closely with my predecessor Dr. Phillip Witt who made great strides to improve curriculum alignment and improve the hands-on learning opportunities for NRTC students during his tenure. Because of the amazing foundation formed by all of these amazing people, I have had the opportunity to help with the great work being done by the Southwest Missouri Career Pathways Coalition as we continue to improve CTE instruction across the region. They have also blessed me with the opportunity to serve in multiple leadership roles within the Missouri Council of Career and Technical Administrators. The foremost being the planning and facilitating of professional development as a member of the MCCTA Conference Planning Committee. None of these things would be possible without the support and professionalism of all of the exceptional people with whom I work.”

Mr Schneider is excited about the things being accomplished at NRTC and is very excited for all of the new opportunities they plan to provide students in the future. New construction is being planned. New CTE programs are being considered. These enhancements will continue to serve students as they prepare for bigger and brighter futures.

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