Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Corey Snead named Butler City Administrator

Following the announcement in November that Mike West would be exiting the position, it was full steam ahead to find a successor as administrator for city of Butler.

After an exhaustive search, the end result was a candidate with plenty of experience- and it came from within. Former Butler City Clerk Corey Snead has an impressive resume that includes  a total of 10 years with the city, starting as the accounts payable clerk then moving to role of Deputy City Clerk a short time after. Another promotion came in 2016 when Mayor Don Malan appointed him as City Clerk/Finance Director, a position held until just this week when he moved into the Administrators office.

Prior to his time with the city, Snead worked for JP Morgan Chase in the credit card division as well as US Bank in the home mortgage department. He also owned a bar in Springfield, Mo., emphasizing his entrepreneurial side.

Mid America Live spoke with Corey about the new position which he openly embraces. “I am excited and thrilled about this new chapter in my professional career. I look forward to serving the citizens of Butler” he stated during our informal interview on Friday. 

Mr. Snead holds a political science degree earned at Missouri State University and has been quite active in many local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Electric City Downtown, the Butler Rotary Club and the Bates County Elks to name a few, including serving as Deacon and Elder at the Butler Presbyterian Church. Add to that, he is on the Executive Board of the Missouri City Clerk’s Association serving as their secretary.

Even while as city clerk, Snead has been busy with projects related to the betterment of Butler including working with rural development programs aimed at bringing more business to town as well as fill the void of empty buildings such as the former Walmart and Country Mart stores. While this work is in its infancy, it will remain a priority through his administrative career.

From this point forward, Snead plans to bring not only new ideas to the table but form solid relationships with other city administrators in the area that would be of great benefit- such as arranging bulk supply purchases for both cities that would ultimately reduce costs for all involved. To which, Snead met with Adrian City Administrator Ryan Wescote during his first week of office to get that ball rolling and the two have agreed to have quarterly meetings to work on their strategy.

What else will the future hold with Snead as administrator? “I’d like to renew the pride in Butler. Do whatever is needed to make this a more beautiful place” he said “It seems we have lost pride in how our town looks and I don’t think it would be hard to get it back.”

Case in point, it was revealed that companies that are considering moving to Butler will often come and drive around incognito to see if Butler would be a good fit for their business and overall good ‘curb appeal’ ranks high on this list.

As our interview wound down Corey was preparing for the upcoming city council meeting on January 16th as well as an important rural economic development meeting the following day, among many other things. Congratulations and welcome aboard!

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