Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Report from the Bates County Commission


January 24, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Assessor Carl Bettles and Tammy Mackay with the State Tax Commission came in to discuss issues with the Assessors maintenance report. Upon inspection of the Assessors budget review, the assistance manager of the State Tax Commission questioned the total amount. There seems to be an error in how the tech side was calculated per state statue guidelines. According to the current statue the assessor is supposed to have 1% of all tax valuation for collectors withholding and .50% to be capped at 75,000.00 for technology withholding. According to the current budget sheet the technology withholding is short. It was asked if we needed to get the County Clerk, Jami Page and Collector Jimmy Platt in the meeting, Jim Wheatley stated not as of yet so they couldn’t cover anything up. After several points of discussion with no clarification and the statues clearly showed, Jimmy Platt and Jami Page were brought in. The current numbers showed to be calculated with a 1.45% used for collectors withholding and the technology withholding at .25% (which was the prior to 2009 calculation) it is thought that the 1.45% was to keep the cap under 75,000.00. This has resulted in an overage to the Assessors budget of $37,000.00 just last year. The next year’s budget will come in line with the current statutes. Myron Rapp and Darrell Dains of Rockville Township came in to discuss county road 12845. One of the property owners, Lee Roy Garreans, has diverted water to his property and has made the dam higher to keep more water on his land. This is causing water to be over the road and damage to occur. This area is mostly duck hunters but the conflict between the owners has gotten out of control at times and the law has had to intervene. The township has asked to keep the water off the road and under 18 inches of the road top. He has not complied. Ken made the motion to approve Kickin Chicken for the WCCA meeting dinner. Trent seconded the motion. All vote yes. Motion carried. No opposition.

January 29, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. David Sclapeler, from Appleton City, came in to talk about road 1265 in Lone Oak that is in question as to their maintenance responsibility. He operates the road grader. Road 1265 has 1/2mile at the lower west end of Pleasant Gap and upper west part of a Prairie that is said to be part of Lone Oak road maintenance responsibilities. The Commission showed him the GIS map and indicated the part to the west of that road is Lone Oak Township therefore is part of their responsibility. The Commission received a call from an inmate’s sister questioning the doctor charges and medicine needs while incarcerated. She was referred to the U.S. Marshals.

January 31, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Approved Bills. Missouri State Auditors Julie Moulden and Ken Joos met with the Commission, Brenda Doody, Greg Mullinax, Carl Bettels, Danyelle Baker, Jim Platt, Hugh Jenkins, Chad Anderson and Jami Page.  The Auditors introduced themselves.  Julie stated that Shannon Spicer will be supervising the audit staff.  Julie gave each Officeholder an Audit Communication Memo.  They will be auditing the year 2023 in accordance with the MO Auditing Standards.  The audit will take two months to complete.  The audit report will be finished late summer.  Julie stated they will continue investigation into the Sheriff’s expenditures.  Hugh asked about the spreadsheet they sent to everyone.  He asked why he needs to prepare a second summary when he has all the documentation.  Hugh said it will be a hardship on his office to compile all this documentation into a spreadsheet.  Julie said it would save the auditors time, but they would work with his office.  Jim Platt asked about the February 6th deadline.  Julie said we don’t have to stay with that deadline.  Julie stated each Officeholder should be turning over a monthly report to the Clerk showing their collections and disbursements.  She will get Jami the statute regarding this. Prosecuting Attorney Hugh Jenkins met with the Commission regarding the Gary Anderson case.  The Commission said that Jim Hertzog is wanting the county to pay for his legal fees.  Hugh asked if the county wanted to accept this responsibility.  He stated that an independent contractor should have his own insurance.  Jami Page stated that Hertzog was not contracted with the county to board Mr. Anderson’s cattle.  Mr. Anderson’s attorney had sent a letter demanding the cattle be moved from Page Farms to Mo-Kan.  The Sheriff’s Office complied with this demand.  The county never paid Mr. Hertzog to board the cattle.  The agreement was between Gary Anderson and Jim Hertzog.  Not between Bates County and Jim Hertzog.  The Sheriff produced a document that was signed by Jim Hertzog stating that he shall bill Gary Anderson for the board of the cattle.  At 11:04 am Per RSMO 610.021 (17) Ken made the motion to go into closed session. Trent seconded the motion. All voted yes. No opposition. The Commissioners, County Clerk Jami Page and State Auditor were in the closed session. Ken made the motion to return to open session at 11:42 am. Trent seconded. All voted yes. No opposition. Open session commenced.

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