Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Republicans provide clarification regarding vetting process


The following was taken verbatim from the Bates County Mo Republican Facebook page

To clarify Bates County Republican Committee’s position on vetting during this election:

As a Republican candidate running for office in Bates County vetting is voluntary and optional, it’s totally up to the candidate.  But, the Bates County Republican Committee is requiring any candidate that would like our support and endorsement in the upcoming election to be vetted.  Most of the committee members have been vetted themselves and all passed.  It’s not a big deal, just a few survey questions that you answer.  If you don’t want to be vetted, or on the very slim chance that you don’t pass, that’s ok.  You can certainly continue to run your campaign.  Just know that the Bates County Republican Committee will be supporting and endorsing the candidates that are vetted and align with their beliefs and political views.

What all this means for a candidate that chooses not be vetted is that you will still be welcomed at our public events but not permitted to address the crowd, instead you may have to listen to your vetted opponent.  The advertising and donations made by the Bates County Republican Committee will be allocated to the candidates who voluntarily completed the process.

Why are we doing this?

Over the years the committee has been overwhelmed with individuals that file on the Republican ticket unannounced and then automatically expect the support of our committee which they have never met.

We are a small county and a small committee with limited funds and resources.  We want to make sure that the candidates that we support and help hold true to Republican views and will work for the people of Bates County.

In conclusion, we encourage anyone wanting to run as a Republican on the upcoming ballot to talk with the Republican Committee and go through the vetting process.  We promise we are not judging and it’s a very simple process.  We are just insuring that we are putting good Republican candidates forward for the citizens of Bates County to vote on.

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