Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Amended complaint against Butler School filed in Federal Court

New information obtained from Justia.com indicates that an amended complaint has been filed in the US District Court of Western Missouri by Plaintiff Kiley Foster via attorneys Jonathan M. Soper, Daniel A. Thomas and Joleene Victoria Simmons. 

The 39 page complaint (case number 4:23-cv-00947-BP filed March 5, 2024) indicates the Plaintiff alleges that all parties listed below were "indifferent and/or consciously disregarded" her safety as "Defendant Reece forced the plaintiff to have a sexual relationship with him while she was a minor, starting in 2018 and continuing until the Summer of 2021". It goes on to say that "This happened multiple times, including but not limited to, on Butler R-V High School property, on FFA trips, at Defendant Reece's residences, and at school sponsored events". 

The document closes with "Plaintiff prays for judgement against all Defendants, and for punitive damages in such an amount as will serve to punish and deter the defendant, and other similarly situated, from engaging in like conduct" and a trial by jury has been requested.

Defendants (positions listed during time of allegations) who will be served in the case are as follows:
1. Darin Carter - Superintendent Butler School District
2. Brad Stevens - Butler R-V School Board
3. Rob Clover - Butler R-V School Board
4. Jarret Wheatley - Butler R-V School Board
5. Stacy McCrary - Butler R-V School Board
6. Anissa Harris - Butler R-V School Board
7. Marty Whitworth - Butler R-V School Board
8. Dave Randalls - Butler R-V School Board
9. Doug Lawrence - Butler R-V School Board
10. Marci Beckley - High School Principal
11. Greg Webb - High School Principal
12. Charles Reece - Agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor
13. Stacey Lawson - District Title IX Coordinator
14. Future Farmers of America (FFA)

Two previous cases brought by Foster against Reece individually are now disposed and as follows:

On August 18, 2023 in Cass county Mo, Defendant Charles Reece pled guilty to four (4) counts of Statutory Rape in the Second Degree and two (2) counts Sexual Contact with at Student to which he served a 120 callback with five (5) years supervised probation. On January 4th, 2024 in Henry county Mo, Defendant Charles Reece pled guilty to one (1) count of Sexual Contact with a student 16 years of age, and two (2) counts of sexual contact with a student.

During sentencing in 2023 Reece's attorney Scott Friedrich contended "the relationship was consensual and continued well after the Plaintiff graduated from high school" and did not warrant a full sentence under any circumstances.

Mid America Live will continue to provide updates regarding this case as they become available.

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