Wednesday, March 6, 2024

We will never forget!

After the tragic death of Officer Gary Michael on August 6, 2017, Officer Christopher Ryan Morton, who had left the Clinton Police Department to pursue other endeavors, insisted that he be allowed to come back. 

He needed to be with his extended family- his brothers and sisters of the Clinton Police Department. He couldn't bear the thought of being away from us in our time of need. Of course, we welcomed him back with open arms.

The evening of March 6, 2018, Ryan was responding to a call with those brothers. The mission seemed a straightforward one and one that Ryan was built for- someone inside a house may have been hurt, may have been a victim of violence, unable to make their own way out for one reason or another, and needed to be found and rescued. It was a mission that Ryan would never refuse.

Unbeknownst to Ryan and his squad members, a very well laid and deliberate ambush had been set for them. In the aftermath, Ryan was killed and two other officers suffered serious gunshot injuries.
Our hearts were torn from our chests. 

The loss seemed insurmountable. But it was Ryan's spirit and the unwavering love and support of this community that rescued us, pulling us from the depth that was our grief.

In the days following the tragedy, we learned that we were far from alone. An entire community helped us mourn and reminded us that Ryan would never allow us to quit.

Ryan's spirit and memory drives us to be better every day. He is with us on every call for service and on every traffic stop. He is with us every time we train, urging us to put in the extra effort. 

His lightheartedness and his compassion inspire every one of us. It's a piece of him we carry with us on every mission. His courage continues to push us through doors that danger likely lurks behind because someone needing our help might be on the other side.

We refuse to let him down.

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